Happenstance, Urban Still Lifes
Happenstance late 19th century: Blend of happen and circumstance
Happenstances that did,
should have,
may have,
occurred .
should have,
may have,
occurred .
Happenstance - Urban Still Lifes TN1 1YL
'Dirt Box Containing - Nasty Tinies'
'Dirt Box Containing - Nasty Tinies'
Happenstance - Urban Still Lifes.
'TN1 2PS Smileys'
'TN1 2PS Smileys'
Drain Watch 2017
'Stash, taking pleasure from small nothings'.
Over a three-month period, I recorded all things that happened to fall into the drain I was watching.
'Stash taking pleasure from small nothings' is a sculptural documentation of some items.
No Parking